FLO-COATER® Fluid Bed Technology

For Drying of Powders

Designed for Efficient Drying

The FLO-COATER® systems are geometrically optimized for efficient and fast drying. Exhaust filters are located well above the effective processing area, keeping the filters cleaner and improving processing yields. Product flows more uniformly within the tapered expansion chamber (as opposed to a straight-sided expansion chamber), ensuring the most consistent and repeatable drying results.

Conidur Plate Improves Drying and Granulation Performance

The Conidur plate, standard on all FLO-COATER® systems, provides a consistent distribution of airflow across the product plate, thus improving drying efficiencies and increasing spray rates. Another advantage is that the Conidur plate provides directional airflow, assisting in the vacuum discharge of product.

12 Bar or Vented?

With fluid bed systems, safety always must be considered as the highest priority. Due to static charge of the product, there always remains the risk of an explosive environment within the fluid bed chamber. The safety risk is heightened when solvents are used as the binding solution. FREUND designs fluid beds to an over-pressure rating of 12 bar and the explosive situation (correctly termed “deflagration”) is contained within the fluid bed chamber. FREUND also offers a vented design, which safely directs the over-pressure situation to an open, safe place.

FC-120 FLO-COATER® with Vented Design (Left) and FC-200MX FLO-COATER® with 12 Bar Design (Right)

Cartridge Filters Provide Superior Product Containment, Reduced Change-Over Time

Containing product to 2 microns, polyester cartridge filters provide the most efficient filtration method available or fluid bed processing. Filters are alternately cleaned by pulses of air blown back through the filters.

Back-pulsing of cartridge filters for cleaning

The cartridges are lighter in weight and easier to handle than bag filters, reduce the time required to clean and change-over. Filters are easily removed for cleaning and maintenance with automated filter lowering option. Stainless steel cartridge filters are commonly used in CIP applications.

2 micron Cartridge Filters

Filter Bags Remain a Common Method of Fluid Bed Filtration

Rated normally at 20 micron retention, the FLO-COATER® can be equipped with either a single bag or double bag filter. With single bag construction, process air is interrupted as the bag shakes particulate back into the product container.

Single Bag Filter

With double bag construction, process airflow flows through one bag, while the other bag shakes. Using this method, airflow is not interrupted and process times can be reduced. Bag filters are not recommended for CIP or potent compound applications.

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