High Shear Granulator: Wet Granulation

Horizontal granulation suites can be installed within single or adjacent processing rooms. The equipment layout is based on a through-the-wall design to minimize processing space and simplify cleaning the equipment.

Vertical granulation suites can be installed on several floors of a pharmaceutical facility. Gravity is utilized to provide a more efficient flow of product.The high shear mixer charges via vacuum or gravity. After the granulation process is complete, the mixer relies on gravity and a wet mill to control the product flow into the fluid bed dryer.

Roller Compaction: Continuous Dry Granulation

Look for a simple to use, and easy to clean solution for your current and future dry compaction processing requirements. Roller compaction systems often come in pilot or full-size models for testing prior to supply chain implementation.  To further scalability,  look for a product that controls the roll gap with hydrolic pressure.  The best models offer an in-line vertical hopper that de-aerates your product prior to compaction.