Mission Statement
FREUND is a world-class equipment and service provider prepared to satisfy your processing requirements on a global scale. We provide the highest in equipment quality, system engineering, technical processing assistance, training, equipment servicing, and spare parts. With FREUND, you purchase comprehensive lifetime support for everything we supply.
Plainly Speaking
Our mission is to become your most trusted and valuable supplier. We constantly challenge ourselves to continually improve our products and services to meet the ever-changing needs of the market place.
Our Values
To achieve our Vision and Mission, we affirm our values of Integrity, Respect for People, Customer Focus, Community, Suppliers, Performance, and Quality.

We expect that all personal and company activities are completed using the highest ethical standards. Our company’s shareholders, customers and suppliers with whom we do business, and our fellow employees must be able to trust what we say and believe we will always keep our word.

We recognize that people are the cornerstone of FREUND’s success and we are proud of FREUND’s history of treating people with respect and dignity.

We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of our customers, and we constantly focus on customer satisfaction. We listen to our customers.

We play an active role in making our community in which we operate a better place to live and work. We have established many environmentally sound practices in our business.

We seek strong, long-lasting relationships with our suppliers. We look for suppliers and business partners who demonstrate similar values and support our commitment to quality.

We strive for improvement in our performance and focus on measurables that will make FREUND a stronger company. We realize that business and risk are inseparable, so we constantly identify and manage risks that may impact our business.

Since 1962, FREUND has been dedicated to delivery of quality equipment around the world. Our focus on the needs of our customers drives us to continuously improve the quality, design and reliability of our products and services.