ISO 9001:15 Certified

FREUND holds itself to the ultimate standards of quality. From management to manufacturing, producing world-class solid dosage processing solutions is a number one priority for us. We have been renowned for our commitment to excellence by meeting every requirement outlined to obtain ISO 9001 Certification. Not everyone knows what that means or what it takes, so let’s take a quick journey together and find out.

First, it is important to understand what ISO 9001 requires: it is the international standard that outlines requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS), a formalized structure that helps coordinate and direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve its effectiveness on a continuous basis. This is done by documenting processes, procedures, and responsibilities for attaining superior objectives and practices.

A couple things FREUND has done to meet obligations of ISO 9001 is taking every step to ensure that members of our team are precisely trained, and all products are created in a quality manner. Many of our customers operate in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, food, and numerous other industries, and when orders are placed, we supply them with parts manufactured with FDA or EU compliant materials, meaning they will receive an accurate replication of the component they typically use. Additionally, our procurement team takes every step to qualify the vendors we do business with by carefully verifying that they are in excellent standing. Furthermore, all parts go through the correct component procedure checks, receive the proper material authorization, and any non-conforming materials are separated and recorded. Should quality issues arise they are addressed using our issue tracker/corrective action process.

Quality record maintenance is done using Good Documentation Practices (GDocP). This encompasses and stresses methods such as creating accurate documents that are concurrent with the event(s) they describe, ensuring all originals and subsequent copies are legible and approved, signed, and dated by authorized personnel, & that all records are otherwise reviewed, updated, and backed up while maintaining a history of all changes made to each document.

So, why is it vital our customers know that FREUND is ISO 9001 certified? Simply put, attaining certification to this standard enhances an organization’s trustworthiness by showing customers that its products and services meet expectations. So, if you are unsure, we are the right choice, just look upon the standard of proof we proudly display, and you’ll realize this is the team willing & able to do whatever it takes to make the grade.

PDF – ISO 9001:15