Freund-Vector’s On-Site Services

The Value of Freund-Vector’s Field Engineers

Freud-Vector’s On-Site Services is designed to assist customers in the start-up and commissioning of Freund-Vector’s supplied equipment.  On-Site Services are available globally and consist of start-up assistance, start-ups, operations field testing and calibration.

Collectively, our world class team of Field Engineers offers our customers over 120 years of hands-on experience.  That’s a lot of experience that we offer here at Freund-Vector, and this will be very difficult to find anywhere else.

Why should you consider start-up assistance from Freund-Vector’s Field Engineers?

  1. Eliminates potential problems during startup i.e.  wrong installation of airflow stations, damper valves, wirings etc.
  2. Speeds up the installation by assisting contractors installing the machine right the first time.
  3. Helps avoid delays to the actual startup trip that is already planned and scheduled.

A start-up typically consists of running a test batch (placebo) to demonstrate the functionality of the equipment.  During this demonstration, Freund-Vector’s Field Engineers train Operators on how to use the equipment.  Verification of the software and hardware occurs as well as accuracy of calibrated sensors occurs during the start-up activities.

Operations field training involves validating protocols set forth in customer’s test plans.  Results are documented and reviewed with customers.  A complete calibration of the system is performed during the operations testing.

During your next purchase of a Freund-Vector granulation or coating piece of equipment, inquire about Freund-Vector’s On-Site Services.

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